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Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Medical Imaging


Message From the Associate Co-Chairs Research

Welcome to research in Diagnostic Radiology at McMaster University! We are a vibrant community with common strategic priorities focussed on the application of imaging to improve patient care and trainee education. Nearly every aspect of healthcare involves some form of imaging. As such, radiological research takes on many forms. For example, clinical trials commonly include imaging and rely on expert opinions of radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians. In addition, clinical trials in theranostics not only rely on imaging for disease detection and follow-up, but also use radiopharmaceuticals for therapy. Further, our research efforts span a spectrum of disease, imaging equipment, radiopharmaceuticals and software involving strong partnerships with all members of the health care team as well as basic scientists, engineers and industrial partners. This is important for the development of technology that moves imaging forward with higher sensitivity and specificity, while being faster and safer.

Imaging research is highly interdisciplinary and technology focused. Some of our members are in one discipline, while others are cross appointed with prominent links to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) related fields. STEM-focused imaging research includes new hardware (e.g. detectors, radiofrequency (RF) coils, etc.), new software (e.g. image acquisition and reconstruction techniques, artificial intelligence (AI), etc.) as well as the use of new radiopharmaceuticals, to name but a few. With increasing technological advances, and access to large datasets, AI (i.e. machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, etc.) has become a mainstay in imaging departments spanning applications such as image acquisition and reconstruction through diagnostic assistance with disease detection and outcome prediction. The applications of research in AI is now so widespread that many don’t even realize how embedded this technology is in routine clinical practices.

With increasing University investment in medical imaging advances we are poised to hold a key position in the future of medical research. Further, we are committed to the highest level of education for undergraduates, radiology residents and fellows, and graduate students in imaging research, equipping them with cutting-edge knowledge with which they can advance their careers. We welcome you to join us in this process and become an active part of our community. By advancing medical imaging through research we will make a difference translating new knowledge to ultimately improve patient care.

Dr. Katherine Zukotynski and Dr. Michael Noseworthy



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